"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Monday, January 7, 2013

The BIG 3.0.

So I had every intention of posting my 30 thankfuls in honor of my big day last Thursday. However I spent my day with the stomach flu. Not exactly how I wanted to ring in the new decade of my life thats for sure. But we all grew a bit closer and chalked it up to new experience for our children to see their mommy pretty much unavailable and d did a little more deep cleaning than he had ever experienced, i believe.

But here we are now Monday afternoon and only Shaddy got sick on Saturday so either we made it through with 2 out of 5 or the otthers will eventually follow suit. A weird bug thats for sure.

Finally feeling better I will now get to that list of 30. Wow. A lot has happened in those 30 years and with each year I feel even further blessed.

Thankful Thursday (30th birthday edition)...in no particular order of course

1.  God - my Savior & Creator - my walk has changed a lot since I made that decision to follow Christ at 4 but I can only hope it continues to mold and change into exactly the relationship God desires.

2. My Dad: hardest worker out there, come to your rescue in a second, handiest person i know, best Papa hands down - plays forever and patience never ends

3. My Momma: my appreciation and love deepens each year as I experience motherhood. Best advice giver, listener & knows exactly how to parent me (yep. I still need it)

4. My siblings: things have changed as we start to parent alongside one another but we still long for a good hard fought competitive game or can chat and laugh until the wee hours of the morning.

5. The Hubs: I knew you were the one almost 15 years ago. I just thank the Lord for orchestrating all the little details.

6. My gifts: all precious three of them (so far)

7. My whole family - it meant so much to have them all around to celebrate my day on New Years, thankfully.

8. My job: it may not be glamourous or even highly regarded by many but i think its the best one out there. Some day my kiddos will thank me just I thank my mom.

9. Our house - its fun to start new - you know broaden the horizon
10. Starbucks, especially gift cards
11. New stuff
12. Online tutorials - making anyone knowledgeable and everyone able to give it a shot
13. Birthday messages via facebook, text, call, video, etc
14. Our small town (a errand literally can take 5 minutes)
15. All the randoms that happen to us that D and I can spend time laughing over later. - like frozen dead cat (not ours or anyones we know) in our window well.
16. P90x
17. Coed volleyball (we won, whoop)
18. My husband's competitive nature
19. Projects
20. Silence - starting to practice this
21. My new camera lens
22. Space (like to put away Christmas presents and stuff, you know?)
23. Friends
24. Dance parties in the living room and even in front of the picture window in Ells bedroom
25. Shadd's love for school
26. The constant hum of chatter
27. All my needs are met abundantly
28. Play dates
29. Bible Study
30. 30 years of life here on this earth

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
2 Corinthians 5:17


  1. Awesome Post! Happy 30 years. It's been a blessing to have you in my life for 6 of those 30 years.

  2. Love it! Happy Birthday to a wonderful friend! Miss you!
