"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sage's Birth

Well I guess I should fill Sage in on the drama of his entrance into this world.

He was stubborn - deciding to stay in their past my due date which is a change from my prior pregnancies as Shadd was born 11 days early and Ells 9.

So Monday morning I went to my appt and Dr. Hoegh was shocked to see me. He worked hard to get things started for me that day and he did. I started having contractions all afternoon and they just continued to get more and more regular and stronger and stronger. Although after last week's visit to the hospital only to be sent home I wanted to be sure it was the real deal. So I tried to sleep but I spent a good portion of the beginning of the night just praying that my water would break so I would have no other choice but to get this labor going.

Then around 1:00am I called my mom and she thought they'd just come in. So I waited and woke D up to let him know that they were getting stronger and I wasn't able to breathe thru the contractions as well.  So when my parents arrived around 2, we headed into the hospital.

When we arrived at Methodist, they checked me and I was still at a 4. What? I was extremely disappointed. So D and I started walking the halls again. Just another reminder of the prior week. This time we had to stop each time I had a contraction though, so I was praying hard for progress. A couple hours later, the nurse checked me again and I had progressed to a 6. Yes.

So they admitted us to a room a few doors from the triage - again praise the Lord. Now this is where things get interesting. I tried to for warn the nurse that my labor progressed really quickly with Ellsyn but I don't think or anyone was prepared for what was about to happen.  We had been in the room for about 5 minutes (maybe) and just starting to fill out paperwork when I began to sweat and feel sick - usually a sign that I am about to deliver at least with the other two. Within a few seconds my water broke and your heart rate dropped severely that the doctor rushed in and explained that we would need a c-section as your heart rate was so low. So they took off and wheeled us into the or.

When we got to the OR, they worked hard and finally got your heart rate back up so they decided to take us back to our room for a normal delivery. Now when we got back I was only to a 9 so it took a few contractions to get to a 10 but finally I thought I could push. Well, you were still too high. A problem you seemed to have as you just never seemed to want to come down. So we elected to push through each contraction to try and get you to descend into the birth canal.  After about an hour and half or so and switching out nurses and doctors, they thought maybe I was close enough. However, once Dr. Bedia came in...he nicely explained that you were turned slightly and still a ways from delivery. Of course, after pushing only twice will Ells and having an epidural with Shadd for my few hours of pushing...I was exhausted.

He explained our options. Unfortunately, I didn't have as many as normal due to those low platelet levels so finally he thought it was best to do a c-section in which I would have to go under general anesthetic to deliver you. I think he made the right decision considering you shocked us all by weighing 10lbs 9ounces. What were you thinking staying in there that long anyways?

Well, it took a little while to get prepped for the c-section, and I am not going to lie those were the longest 15 minutes of my life. Child birth is supposed to be painful - I mean thats how God designed it but I had to endure quick hard contractions with little to no help and without your Daddy till they finally put me under.  Of course, Daddy got to hold you and snuggle you right away but I missed out on that. So it took me a while to come out of the anesthetic (thankfully I have experienced it a few times so it wasn't nearly as scary as it could have been) and I wasn't able to feed or really safely hold you till about noon when you were born at 8am.

We are just so thankful you were healthy and that you nursed great when you were able as I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't go to you if you were in the NICU or something.

Nothing better than 10 toes and 10 fingers and chubby cheeks. We love you, Sage!

Of course, each mom I know can easily recall all the details of the births of their children. As a child and even an adult I love to hear my mom recall the day I was born. So I'm just writing this down so I always remember the day you entered this world Sage. You are a miracle. Just another reason why God gets the glory - as the intricate design of child birth and pregnancy are unexplainable other than they were designed perfectly by God.


  1. Brings tears to my eyes hearing Sage's beautiful but painful birth story again but yes it is AMAZING what God designed and Him alone - giving Him the glory for little Sage and the blessing of him being born into such a wonderful God-fearing family. Much Love!

  2. How awesome Karie!!! Take care of yourself mama! :)

  3. catching up on the blog...sweet Sage what an interesting birth story. So grateful both you and your Momma were okay. God protected you both. See you SOON
