"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sage - 6mo

Sage is 6 months old. Just had his doctor's appointment yesterday and he is doing great. Of course, these are so much more fun since we don't do shots with them. Now Saturday morning when he does get them it won't be nearly as glamourous!

Sager Stats:

Height: 27.5 in
Weight: 19.14 (85%)
Head: can't remember but (99%) - crazy as I don't think it looks super big. 

Sleep - just fighting off a cold so he still is waking up some nights around 4ish just a precursor to my morning workouts and makes it so I don't have to pump which is awesome.  He goes down like a champ after eating though and sleeps til 6:30ish or so. Which for my early birds is late enough. 
He is taking usually two naps but sometimes catches a few z's if we are in the car in the evening or something. He is going down with some music, a snuggle, and his blanket. Amazing! My sister encouraged me to try it. Stubborn old me just assumed it wouldn't work because I rocked my other two till they were in their big beds. However, this little guy actually seems to prefer the routine. Crazy. Thanks Kels. 

Eating - Well we have transitioned from one meal to two meals to all three meals because well this guy likes to eat. He still nurses about 6 times a day and eats about 2 to 3 food cubes a day. I am making baby food again this time around so they are the ice cube size. So far he loves everything. Some of his favorites are yogurt, pears, squash. Getting ready to introduce a few more veggies this month so that should be fun. He also loves the baby mum mum, bread and crackers. Sage still hasnt' quite got the grasp down for full finger foods but enjoys the challenge. 

Big Things:
- He is crawling: We call it the breaststroke. Working on uploading video (stinkin youtube takes hours - anyone know an easier way via mac?)
- He is sitting unassisted for well forever
- He is moving from sitting to a crawl position
- He loves to laugh
- He loves to scream and make any noise (shoot - I was hoping for one quiet one)
- He thinks his brother and sister are the bomb
- He can find anything and everything
- He loves music
- He loves to have his tummy blown on and be tickled
- He loves to play peek a boo
- He loves to jump in the jumperoo or johnny jumper

Sager is a great baby and growing up way too fast. I am trying to savor every moment. It seems like just yesterday I was snuggling him in the hospital. Maybe because he is the third it just seems like he can't stay small long enough. I mean really - crawling. But I guess he just wants a piece of all the action. I mean who wouldn't!