"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Baby Zeph- 3 Weeks

I can't believe this guy is almost a month old.  It literally seems like we just got home from the hospital but we are already into September.

Well this little dude is a little high maintenance. He loves to be held and snuggled. And sometimes that isn't even enough. He is also a burper. Like 45 minutes after a feeding kinda thing. A bit annoying in the middle of the night. 

But he is changing. He looks different all the time. Sometimes I think he has red (orange) hair and other times it looks darker. I do think he is gonna have blue/green eyes instead of brown though as they are dark blue and the other boys were brown from birth but only time will tell. 

At his 2 week appointment..

Weight: 10lbs (90th)
Length: 21.5 in (80th)
And head circumference was 90th too. Oh those big headed boys of mine. 

He is growing that is for sure. 

We went to the chiropractor today and she said he is really tight in through his neck and she adjusted him so I'm hopeful he will lay down at evening and throughout the day better. Maybe then I can get some things done around here. I doubt it.

Of course, he is loved by all his siblings. Shadd is such a great helper when he is home. Ells loves on him and helps me out a ton but retrieving things and even carries him some. She really wants to feed him so a bottle might be on the docket tomorrow evening with Dad.

But then there is Sage. He is constantly up in his face, tickling him, rocking the swing or bouncy seat. His famous words as of late... "he is lookin at me". And of course in true Sage fashion the phrase is repeated multiple times over and over. If Z is on the floor, you will find Sage right next to him. He loves his brother. And if you can't pronouce Zephen, well ask Sage because he does a great job and I think the number seven will forever be Zephen to this big brother.

And then there is the snuggle only daddy can provide. So so thankful we have the BEST!

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