"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Laz 7 months

I kinda fell in love with this little guys profile in this pic. Well 7 months means he barely sits still. He's another crazy go getter. He finally is moving all over the place. Still not officially up on all fours crawling but this guy gets around.

He nurses still once a night usually around 4ish and then goes back down til 6:30 usually in time to nurse and workout with d and i.

He eats three meals a day. Sweet potatoes are his favorite. Still doesn't like any finger foods. No puffs or cherrios for this dude.

He doesn't even put anything in his mouth really. Kind of a blessing maybe as this place would be a treasure chest for a little kid. Food is always and I mean always on the floor as well as small legos, coins, you name it!

He loves to play with toys. His favorites are the bow wow dog, his monkey rattle and any and all of my dryer balls.

He's still my little side kick most of the time. But he is still a smiley happy go lucky dude. He has had a little cold here and there and now has four teeth. Well close anyway the top two are still working there way in. He loves to play with everyone and thankfully they are all great help.

He naps usually three times a day and I just sing him a quick song and put him down and cover him up with his favorite blankies and he tucks them around with his arms.

Still getting used to those blue eyes but I still think he looks just like Shadd! And his red hair is a for sure. I think it will stick.  Who would have ever guessed I'd have three red heads. Crazy!

Getting closer and closer to 1. How is that happening so fast!

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