"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Life is hard. Isn't it?

I have to admit mine has been pretty easy thus far. I have had a few bumps in the road, mainly injuries but overall smooth sailing. In fact, I was told by many at the doctors office that I was busy with 3 kiddos at home and sometimes stared at as crazy with all three so young. And while I admit I have trouble getting much done and sometimes I do pull my hair out. But I wouldn't change my world for a minute. I get to spend my days loving on those three and one day I will be sitting here quietly and missing them like crazy, wondering what they are doing? or when I will get to see them next.

I know you are thinking - where is she going with this?

But my bible study and devotional and the sermon and life is just teaching me that just because we are Christians and believe in Christ that our lives aren't going to be full of blessings, without suffering, perfect, and smooth sailing. No. Life is hard. We will be persecuted. We will be tried. We will suffer. We will be disciplined.

Instead scripture says in Philippians 4:11-12

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.  I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 

Paul had to learn how to be content with whatever life gave. He learned to be thankful. Then joy followed thanksgiving. Its a practice to give thanks in all things. A learned thing to be thankful which then will produce joy in the midst of trials and blessings.

The only we were ever promised when choose to follow Christ - was a life with Him. Here and now and forever. Is there any greater blessing than that. Blessings in this life are only temporary but knowing the One who created you - wow! That is eternal.

So as I continue to practice this act of thanksgiving each week - I am hoping to learn the secret in living. Its to know HIM!

1. Tom"s housing
2. The generosity of my parents
3. Open eyes to the problems many our facing not just around the world but our my backdoor
4. Excited kiddos as we travel to Florida - Shadd packed his own bag three days ago
5. My brother-in-law J: thanks to him we get to go to Florida (he's golfing at Nationals. plus he is the Dutch close up.
6. My kids singing - VBS tunes have started circling - Shadd remembered them from last year.
7. God's teaching
8. Blooming front yard trees
9. The Hubs - he celebrates his birthday as we travel. Prayfully it will be a memory that lasts a lifetime.
10. Our moms - Happy Mother's Day! We love you.
11. my errand running hubs

So since we will be out of town all next week - not much blogging of course. Instead we will be relishing the sun, the water and the beach. Oh yeah and D will be watching Uncle J kick some buns in golf.

Hoping to post a few randoms to instagram so hopefully I can document all the fun!


  1. Have a great trip, Kare. Miss you guys - haven't seen you in too long. :( Probably the next time will be when we are in our new house. Hopefully then.

    1. It has. Hopefully we can get together for Ds birthday prior to your trip. Can't wait to see the finished house I'm sure it looks amazing.

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