"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just another quick update on the littlest squeak

So I had a follow-up ultrasound yesterday morning with the Perinatal office. Wow. That was expensive.

Thankfully, the members of Samaritan will help us pay for that need as well as the whole maternity cost. Thanks to our friends, we found out about the neatest organization: Samaritan Ministries. It is a group of christians who support one another in helping each other pay for medical expenses. It has been an answer to prayer as we would have been on our own completely with this pregnancy due to Blue Cross denying me for maternity insurance and D being self-employed. And if you don't have insurance...the cost of having a baby is well, pretty crazy. I mean we even tossed around the idea of a home-birth! I could go on and on about what an amazing blessing it has been to us both financially but also the priveledge of praying and sending our monthly share directly to another member each month. So there's my plug. If you want more information...d and i will do our best to explain the process to you!

Now...the good news. No more follow-up visits with perinatal. The kidneys were within normal range of dilation. So we don't have to do anything else. Also the baby looked good and healthy. Great amiotic fluid levels but she did warn me this babe is bigger weighing 6.2 lbs today. So if I go around 38 wks like I did with the other two. Might be a 8lb+ baby this time around. All in all. I was just thrilled that everything looks good!

Praise the Lord!

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