"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

the girl

I know people always say...every child is different. Well that's for sure.

Ells is slowly progressing out of the difficult threes. Except four can still be rough on the patience of this mama.

She is a sweet, kind, perceptive little girl. However...she has a few tendencies that can get her into a whirlwind in a second and its a tough climb to get her down out of the tornado if you catch my drift. One battle that I tend to lose all patience with and can send me into a four year old tantrum just like her.

She is a perfectionist to the core. I mean D is and I can lean that way too so it shouldn't surprise us but wow is it a tough road. Small and I mean tiny details like a sweatshirt dropped in a puddle (this sunday pre-church), Sage writing on her worksheet (today), sticky hands (anytime with syrup), wet shoes after going in a puddle (monday) can set this girl into a craze.

So I tend to choose my battles. Clothes are another one. I mean she is four! Most of the time I can steer her the right direction but there are some things this girl just refuses to wear. For a while it was capri leggings, only the long ones would do. Well its hot so we are gradually switching over, thank goodness. Then I bought her these super cute crocheted shoes, I even got matching ones since I wasn't sure she'd wear them.

Well it took prompting and after the tenth plus try she finally did and loved them! See mom does know best!

Stubborn sprited thing this one.

I'm not writing this to gripe or complain...don't get me wrong I love this little girl to pieces but she can frustrate me to no end too. Way more than the boys ever get under my skin. I mean I know she looks like me but she definitely can't act like me can she? I like to blame it on D but I'm sure it falls back on me. The Lord is using her to mold me and make me. No one ever said this parenting gig would be easy but trying to figure out what makes another person tick is tough.

I just want to remember these days. Of repetition each morning and night. How she asks both times of day if she needs new underwear. Sometimes she forgets from the living room to her bedroom and checks again - kinda similar to D's garage door routine, christmas card addressing, and locking the doors at night. A little OCD.

Side note...funny story...the other morning she came and asked if she needed new underwear. Normal conversation for our day. I replied yes as we didn't take showers or baths the night before. She replied, "good because these have a little poop on them". Still makes me laugh. Of course, D and I chuckled as we do regularly at all our kiddos throughout the day and evening. Never a dull moment around here thats for sure.

How she just forgets what she is doing in the middle of something - like dressing and comes and tells me some random thought completely naked. She is a wander. A thought wander. She is also a good 2nd in command. She likes to repeat my instructions and loves to be the boss. A girl thing I think. She is slow to get out of the van and tends to float around aimlessly at times - kinda beating to her own drum.

And right now she is playing quietly beside me while everyone else naps. She loves to color and draw. She hates to be pestered by Sage and is a bit on the dramatic side. But she always is the first to notice my pedicure or d's new haircut or a new shirt/dress etc.

Gotta love this sweet girl. Even if she causes me to lose some hair along the way! She will always be my girl and so far the only one I can call daughter!

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