"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Friday, January 3, 2014

31 things

So today is my birthday. The big 31. Officially no longer 30.

Since I skipped yesterdays thankful Thursday I thought I would add 31 things on this special day.

1. My relationship with Jesus, its been awhile now (like 27 years) and I keep learning new things each day! Thank you Lord!
2. My bestest friend - prayed for you like 17 years ago and my life has been forever changed.
3. My three blessings. I've never been luckier to have someone call me "mom".
4. My family - one lucky girl to have some many so close care about you
5. My friends - always reminded of how great I have it on days like today. Texts, cards, gifts. Love that. Feel honored and blessed.

Now that's the for real ones and these are the silly things that just come fluttering to my mind this wintery day.
6. That my kids were born on even years - it tends to help me and d remember how long its been since we bought something or started something etc.
7. fresh flowers - there is a beautiful amaryllis growing upstairs and it just bloomed. BEAUTIFUL!
8. the silly jokes my kids tell at the dinner table each night. they don't make sense but they laugh regardless
9. how my kids think 31 is super old and wonder what kind of birthday party i'm having.
10. that i am not sick today. last year I had the flu - lets just say i think d is thankful too. he did most of the cleaning up that day. YUCK.
11. my shaddy is at home this year before school starts
12. moments of quietness
13. how d's brain works. i'm just glad we are in this together. he presses on and i crumble and check out
14. our church - friends, great messages, a place to grow
15. a day to spend traveling up north with my momma and my sis - ikea here we come
16. the beautiful sunrise this morning. sage pointed and said, rainbow! it looked like it for sure
17. sleeping in these past few mornings
18. how even a disney movie can make me tear up. Tarzan today.
19. my job and the good, bad and ugly
20. sage's constant chatter and the way he devours ice cream
21. ell's love for puzzles, opinions on hair dos and what to wear but still snuggles early in the morning and has the best laugh
22. shadd's sensitivity makes me more sensitive
23. a teachable spirit - through any avenue God sends sometimes even my little ones
24. all the small things that i take for granted
25. how all things work out to God's perfect plan - it just may not look neat and tidy on the way
26. random things like an insanity workout and an elliptical
27. d's unconditional love
28. my nieces and nephews. love that my kids love their cousins
29. date days with my hubs. thanks to uncle j
30. we still have our christmas lights up and running - secretly still christmas outside just not in
31. we are going to have another baby. doctor apt is in a couple weeks but due date should be around Aug 7.


  1. August 7th is one of my favorite dates....the day Solon was born ;) So excited for you all on your 4th baby!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday my inspiring, crafty, faithful, kind, fun and laid-back friend :) I am so blessed to have you in my life!!!!!!!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Loved reading all of them but.....So excited to read number 31!! YAYAYAYAY!! I remember jumping up and down with excitement with the news of Shadd....seems like yesterday. Congrats and enjoy your birthday!!

  3. Loved reading all of this, especially the last tidbit of info! Congrats to all of you, how blessed is any child to have you and D as parents! You almost have enough for a ball team, we will have that soon too. :)

  4. Wow. Congrats. Glad I read them all. ❤️
