"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just a little food for thought

So I totally have another post ready for tonight but I just had to share this thought with the maybe three of you that actually read my blog.

I was spending my quiet time in Jeremiah today. Just starting out and already gleaning from chapter one. But I am so out of routine with nap schedules etc that I am in drastic need of getting back into my routine of spending time with the Lord. I mean, how can this get missed. It should be first and foremost, right?

Well I am hoping to spend some time going through Jeremiah but also each day on the corresponding Proverb which today is the 14th of the month so Proverb 14. And the first verse caught a hold of my heart! I just love it when God speaks to me that way! Exactly what I need to hear at that very moment.

"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down" 

Proverbs 14:1

Of course, this is the verse I come to on a day when honestly I haven't been very kind, patient or comforting toward any of my children. I just seemed to be going through the motions but every little thing seemed to get me irritated and angry. I have been short and well just down right embarassing. I don't seem to blog to much about this type of stuff but it was just so powerful that I thought I need to be honest so no one thinks we have it all together all the time. Because we (I) definitely don't. 

But wow. What a powerful verse. We build our home. We set the tone. We set the course for the day. But with our own hands acting foolishly I can tear it to shreds. I can make every one irrititable. I can make every one grouchy and short. I have that ability as the woman of the house to make a choice to act wisely  - by thinking prior to speaking and by choosing not to let things spiral out of control. I get to set the mood for my whole household. What a responsibility. 

I have heard that as the woman I set the tone of the household and have seen it unfold both positively and negatively before my eyes. But today this is just what the Lord wanted me to hear. As a wise woman I will build my house to stand on the Rock of Jesus Christ - exemplifying Him for all to see. 


  1. You don't know how much I needed to hear this too...thanks for your honesty. It's definitely one thing I love about you! You're a blessing!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed meditating on the verse too. I guess I have a bigger role in my household than I imagined. :) Love you! Also, I really enjoyed our time together when I was home--- running to the store, walking to the park, etc. Blessed to be close again!

  3. I also needed to hear this as I've been in a "bad mommy rut" recently. Thanks for sharing!
