"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The countdown til Christmas

every year we celebrate the days leading up to Christmas. this year we broke out this small calendar and filled it with a scripture passage to read each night and a fun activity. these are some of the pictures of our fun together

we created ornaments for some special people. some painted, some colored and some homemade ones.

we got these fun santa hats and one night had a contest lip singing in them...they were fun little videos.

shadd made this acrostic poem at church out of his name! great things to add to the letters of his name!

 gearing up for a run around the block in our santa hats. dad and z passed on that one. would have been more fun with snow! maybe next year!

shadd won

then ells in second. 
daddy delivered treats to some of his agents so we got some of those yummy grandma d goodies too!

we opened up a new or old christmas story each night too. it was a fun new read each night. a lot of wrapping so i should get started now if we do this again!

we made homemade snow globes for our great grannies. grandma k yours is still coming. hopefully we will get it delivered soon!
a breakable glass jar and this throwing machine - probably not the best combo! 

we went on a light scavenger hunt one night. we stayed in town but found most of the things on our checklist. made it kinda fun!

we went to see santa and hit up the train and firehouse subs (a favorite of ours since visiting the south years ago - we finally have a few here)

the littles and i snuck in a few walks to the park too in early december and some playing outside. on days where it is freezing like today i'm so thankful we did. 

of course we made some homemade goodies and treats for our neighbors and teachers. homemade hot chocolate this year which was fun! we played games and did some other family activities. it was fun to listen to the birth of Christ retold and summarized by the littles too! plus as we got to ask them the details we also got to dive deeper in the real reason for the season! What a reason to celebrate!

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