It doesn't seem possible but we have entered a new world.
Out with the baby teeth. That just means my baby isn't quite a baby anymore.
Shadd was complaining his teeth hurt. At first I ignored the complaint. Not sure what the deal was. Second time I had a closer look. Yep. A couple loose teeth front and center of the bottom row. With some wiggling and a tug from Dad (thank goodness) he lost the first one.
He was super excited. Even took the tooth in a baggie to show off to his grandparents and the class at church. Then the infamous tooth fairy brought him a dollar that night. Lucky duck.
Then we were eating lunch today and he says I think this is a tooth as he holds up the second. It came out with a bite of strawberry. So I guess the tooth fairy will visit again tonite. Two nights in a row.
Big stuff for Shadd and new adventures for mom and dad.
He's growing up. Just hard to believe.
Don't they look so grown up with missing teeth? Fun to see pictures of you guys!!