"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sage 11 months

We are exactly one month from my littlest's first birthday. I can't believe it. I need to get going on designing his birthday invites etc but really I think I'm just scared to start as then its reality. It seems like just yesterday we were trying to sell our house, getting ready for the move and waiting out his birth. He was my two days late and really stubborn birth.

If I recount each birth story I think I have experienced pretty close to it all minus a home birth. From one thing to the next. Just goes to show you that each experience is totally a new one and you can never be 100% certain on what to expect. 

Oh Sager...

He is a busy little one. By far my busiest. Or at least it feels that way. If I turn my head for a moment he is into the pantry dumping out a bag of potato chips, climbing up the stairs, fishing in the toilet, etc. The list goes on and on. He definitely knows how to get around and how to stay busy. He typically follows the bro and sis around but sometimes you can find him off exploring on his own.

He here is in a quick snyopsis:

Sleep: Goes down at about 7 each night and is up around 6:30 each morning. He loves to snuggle his blankie and his owl (thanks grandma rene). He curls up tight against the bumper in the corner of his crib. He still sleeps through snoring big bro which is amazing.  Still napping in the morning and afternoon most days.

Eating: Nursing 4 times a day. Just dropped the after morning nap. Eats three meals a day plus snacks. Finally drinking out of cup all by himself. Yea! Loves all kinds of fruits and veggies. Eats pretty much everything other than mashed potatoes, avocados, and eggs. Tried some peanut butter and he loves it plus no allergy. Yea.  Might start to introduce some milk in the next week or so. 

New Things: He is mimicing sounds. He can click his tongue. Love to laugh. Cheeses for the camera. Can say momma, dadda, ball. Probably a few more words coming soon. He loves to be in on the action. Loves the snow. Walks all over the place. Loves to push the chairs or stools in the kitchen. Loves to help with the dishwasher. Plays in the cupboards. Loves to read stories especially touch and feel ones or ones with sounds. He loves balls, trucks and trains. He even gets into Wild Kratts. He loves to dance and listen to music. He is super ticklish under the arms. 

He is growing up. Right before my eyes. Love love you so much Sage. 

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