"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sage 4 months

So Sage is 4 months. Yep. Only a couple weeks late on this one. Whoops. Waited til I had the stats from the well-baby checkup and well just never got around to it.

Yesterday while Shadd was at the fair with Grandma Darcy and Ells was napping I took Sager outside for a quick photo session. Its just so hard to believe that this little one is 4 months old already. Time seems to be flying. Of course, since we typically wet through our shirts it would be hard to leave out the drool pictures.

4 month stats...

Weight: 17.6lbs...95%
Height: 26.5in (didn't grow from the 2 month - I think someone mis-measured...I guess the 99percentile for height was crazy)..more like 50% which would fall more in suit with the other two

Sleep: Well every now and then we have a full nights rest around here. He was really just getting up once a night b/w 2-4pm but the last few weeks it has been a couple times again. I keep thinking we are just out of routine ever since those teeth broke through and the fact he is working on the top two teeth. He still nurses and goes right back down. Loves to sleep on his belly with his hands directly underneath his body just like his momma. Love seeing that little bum scoot into the air.

Eating: Still eating about every 3 hours or so. I officially broke down and bought some rice cereal this afternoon at the store so I will try it out tonight. I wanted to wait till he was older but the signs are pointing to the need to start soon. The drool, the grabbing and eyeing our food, his size, and his new sleep habits all tell tale signs it might time.

New Things:
Sage is rolling from front to back and back to front.
He circle crawls and army scoots around.
Shadd can really make him laugh by dancing in front of him.
He loves to fall asleep to Amazing Grace.
He loves to swing.
He is getting the hang of the exersaucer and jumperoo.
He has his two bottom teeth and working on the top two.
He loves to smile.
He plays in his crib and loves to chat with his sister and brother.
 He can pull his toy on his car seat and loves to coo and talk on car rides.
He can sit up unassisted for a few moments so he is really close.
He has the tightest body. I have to roll up his pants like tights to get his pants on - crazy legs!

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