"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sager School Update

This guy has got a lot of spunk! He can be real fun and also a real pain. He loves to chat. And can be quite animated if you can't tell. He is definitely full of expression and loves to tell a good story, especially about his mario adventures playing the wii.

He has come full circle when it comes to learning and getting ready for school next year. Oh my goodness I can't believe I even said that out loud. How is it possible that I will have three in school next year? My nest keeps getting emptier in all my attempts to refill it!

He loves to do crafts and activities. He loves to write words and numbers. He is a huge help around the house too. During nap time because he rarely naps he spends some time making Laz laugh as I put z down for nap. He's still a hands on kind a dude. Smothering anyone and everyone. His love language is definitely touch.

 He does occasionally nap. But rarely.

getting ready for operation christmas child

and just a couple cute pilgrims
I'm still a bit shocked that it is finally clicking for this guy. He knows his letters, their sounds, numbers, starting to add and subtract. He loves to do school and we've started some basic reading. He has really just started to get it. And he is excited to head to school next fall! Still can't believe that! Seems like yesterday bringing him home from the hospital.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Updated Family Pictures

Every year we take family pictures. Oh the dreaded day!

The last few years I have been just switching with a friend. Works pretty good. Usually we get a few decent 😁😳 ones.

Lets just say getting 5 little people and 2 bigs to remotely all look and smile makes me SWEAT!

always screwing around 

getting people to move or look is a workout itself

A few family ones...

And the outtakes. oh geez the outtakes make me laugh. i should post a ton. sage's face is like watching a film. but this one makes me laugh. d saying z put down your hands. i mean seriously - your hands up. come on!

the kids...

and some individuals which need improvement but we were at our last straw. we have about an hour window and we were pushing that!


Happy Halloween 2016

We had Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi the dino and Marshall the Pup! 

We went trick or treating with some friends in our old neighborhood. My how things are changing! 

Laz and Shadd - that costume got some wear!
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And the great candy sort the following morning! 


Well that was the hashtag of Uncle J's wedding

And it was a blast...

It took us a bit to pack up for the weekend. Like no forgetting shoes or anything. And we may need to invest in a car topper. Loaded down! 

We had rehearsal with delicious pizza and treats from grandma d! Yum!

Fun at our cabin - It had a stuffed bobcat that Ells wasn't too fond of but otherwise it was really nice to relax and enjoy it for the little bit of freedom we had. Busy weekend! My parents stayed with us which was super nice to get ready and such!

Wedding Pics - we survived. Sage melted once and said he will never take another picture again. Also thankfully it was the nice warmest last weekend in October I think I've ever experienced. Like 30 degrees colder the following day! Gorgeous!

And the wedding! It was beautiful. Aunt A thought of literally everything! It was so fun and such a great wedding to be part of!

And the result...tired kiddos!

We were honored to have aunt a join our family and had fun being part of the celebration. The best part hands down was the bride and grooms first dance. It started out slow but they choreographed an entire dance to a range of songs. So so fun and such a cute glimpse into them as a couple! I wish I had half that ability to dance and the courage to do it in front of anyone I knew.

Closet dancer here 🙌🙌