"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, August 25, 2016


We hit up Adventureland (or as mine call it Disneyland (haha) with all our cousins. Yep 11 of us with my sis and sis in law. My parents and my dad's parents. Fun yes. Crowded. Yes. Hot. Yes. A little bit much - maybe!

We tend to think anything and everything is possible so we do crazy things mostly! And then hash them out only to do it wrong again the following year! Oh well.

They had a blast! And that is all that matters!!


And this is how we ended the day

Laz: 1 month

So I'm so behind on the blog and since the kiddos are back in school and well right now everyone is napping I should catch us up but wow I have a ways to go.

This little dude is actually 2.5 months old as I'm typing this so I hope to remember what he was like as he turned one month! 

Well he is growing. He was back at birth weight at his 1 week appt. Whew. I weigh him often thanks to that scare with Shaddy. 

Sleep: He loves to lay on the couch - supervised and on his belly for naps - although his spit up is doing a number on my favorite spots so it didn't last long. He sleeps four hour chunks and in our room which is kind of a nursery as Z is still in the crib. He is burrito wrapped and loves the bassinet we borrowed from friends, which i finally figured out how to keep it from rocking. 

Thankfully daddy is a great sleeper and doesn't mind rocking if I need his help in the night. Feeding well he isn't quite as equipped for that! 

Eating: He is a quick eater. Bout 10 -15 minutes. He is a real big burper. And also quite spitty. I carry and shout for a burp rag quite often. He nurses every three typically.

He loves to be carried or on his belly. Other than that he really isn't too big of a fan of the swing, bouncy or the mama roo. He loves my wrap and I carry him a good chunk of the day! 

Our lives have changed drastically once again but it is worth every second of the chaos and stares (yes, people stare a lot) Some days I question what we were thinking. Why have another baby? Another child to clothe, feed, love, pour energy into, drive around, race to activities for - but I am reminded that they are a gift from the Lord. And each one is an arrow. One of my quiver full. That I am responsible for grooming and shaping with the help of the Lord to ultimately be used fully by Him for His glory!  Wow! That is worth every stare, comment or moment of pure craziness in the world!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Part 1

We are working on our summer list...thankfully Jess (our nanny - my life saver) helps us conquer the tasks as well!

We hit up the Omaha Zoo with Daddy and of course our annual dentist appts. Which i totally meant to reschedule pre-baby but Laz was a champ and I well I think i rediscovered sweat on this trip! Those hills!

We celebrated Father's Day and one very special Papa's birthday! Heres Frama and Papa with their 11!
Painting left over landscaping scraps - note to self, don't use washable paint for outside rocks! Duh!
We've been hitting the trail. Its not super easy to get to yet (fingers crossed they pour our access point soon) but still my favorite place to walk and explore! Probably much much more once school starts!
We got to go to a cousin's wedding with all our cousins!

D won the club championship
Enjoying our covered deck and picnic lunches
Nature is out our backdoor
My daily helpers. They have chores each day and have been a huge huge help!
Hitting up uncle j's pool and classic frozen custard (which have the biggest cones ever)

Daylight donuts on a saturday visit to grandma rene
Chillin inside and playing outside
And finally fires and dancing!

i'm so far behind and I have lots more pictures to post but here is a start on this summer!