"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ells Lost a Tooth

After a long time with a wiggly front tooth, Ells finally lost a tooth! Dad pulled it quick since she finally let him in her mouth for longer than a second. If you look closely you can see the new one popping up behind!

She was excited to get a dollar and two silver pieces! Thanks so much tooth fairy!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Little Z is growing up

So little Z is getting not so little any more.

He is become quite the character and I think this time frame from 12 months to 24 is my ultimate favorite toddler time! 

So he is quite the reader. He loves books and he LOVES his blankets especially when its "nigh nigh" time. He is kind of a blanket hoarder. You can typically find 4+ in his bed at a time and we need all of them to come with us when we get out of the crib too.

He is starting to play independently which is amazing. He follows the bigs downstairs. He loves to explore and hates to miss out on anything.

Sage and him have become really close, which is so fun to watch! Don't get me wrong they fight with the best of them! But they snuggle up together to watch a show (which for z lasts about 1 minute ) but it still melts my heart to see them sit together.

He loves to eat and can be found in the pantry almost every hour of the day. He loves to grab all the cereal boxes and especially loves lucky charms (the off brand) but only the marshmallow pieces which is annoying. He eats just about everything and if he is done or doesn't like it well you will find it all over my kitchen floor. I vacuums multiple times a day!

He is also a bit of wild hair man. Mostly due to food ending up in our hair and well he is the fourth so i just don't care.

He is wild. He likes to push the boundaries especially lately. Like standing on the kitchen table. Thankfully he hasn't the guts to jump off or anything yet! He thought this folding chair was a fun little challenge. He loves to get into all the crayons and markers and is usually covered. And he loves to dump out bins, boxes, etc. I would say he is my official tornado. I was cleaning the other day and I couldn't keep up with that little man!

He runs and does everything the bigs do. He loves the slide at the park and even does the big one all by himself. I probably would have had a heart attach with shadd if he attempted that. Also as soon as Sage taught him to do stairs the gate was gone! So thankful for that and he loves roaming around the whole house to wherever he wants to go! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fall Family Pics

each year we have to have a family picture in order to send out our christmas cards and d likes to include a photo of our family with his christmas cards to his agents. 

so thankful the weather held out as we were a bit slow again this year. 

a friend from church and i swopped photo skills and it worked perfect! 

of course there are always a ton of out takes - i mean what do you do with three squirrelly boys right?

and so you all know we are quite the bunch and it won't be long and we will be multiplying again! yep baby #5 is coming in June! the timing was perfect and we announced the new addition in our christmas cards this year!

this is what they look like and if you didn't get one i'm sorry. our list grows every year and well i just don't ever think i need that many. geez. so thankful for all our family and friends! front and back

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Shadd Star Student

Shadd was the star student for the month of November(wow if i'm not super duper behind).

He was honored and thankful!

He was a little disappointed when he wasn't picked the previous two months, especially when Ells was. It was a great teaching moment and one where it was good to remind him that someone will be picked last no matter what.

He was also selected to be a part of Alphabet Alley. Where he spent time with the librarian publishing one of his books! His book was on golf and I didn't even take a picture of it! And its back at the school for everyone to read. Next time I'm in there I will hunt it down!

We are so proud of this big guy and all he is doing in school! He loves it and is such a great example for his peers and siblings!

Monday, November 9, 2015


this year grandma d & papa g had a costume party. it was fun to hang out dressed up with all our cousins!  we ate dinner and played halloween bingo and grandma filled us up with lots of treats!

we painted pumpkins on an early out day!

 we did our annual carving. the kids helped pick out the faces and dig out the yuck and seeds (that was a first here)

and there are our two cuties

 along with the three still up...

then we hit the streets for trick or treat on halloween

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fun NIght

playing a favorite. the cake walk. the odds of winning we definitely in our favor! 

my dad has been in charge of fun night in Winterset sponsored by the Optimist club since well forever. like i used to be in jr. optimist (the president actually) so i have been through it as a kid as well as helped as a kid. its really just a carnival with games and prizes.

face painting
 d reminiscing with people from high school.

fishing for loot

 and of course we played papa's game the most!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Football Wrap Up

football is over. soccer is done. whew. we survived the business of one child in sports. it was just a glimpse of what our future looks like. 

d survived coaching. he would probably like me to note he was 5-0. thats big stuff for a competitive guy. 

and shadd scored two touchdowns the last game. that was fun to watch! 

all alone
and the only reason i got to watch is big sis ells was entertaining!

soccer ended with us never winning a game but shade scored a goal again the last game so that was awesome. the last game was freezing and i had volleyball so i wasn't there to take any pictures and d probably didn't take any because it was cold!